Monday, 29 October 2012

Weblogic Server License : Installing and Updating License Weblogic Server

Weblogic Server License

Apply, Installing and Updating Weblogic Server License

Weblogic license is not required  for 10.3.0 or for above versions.  License is only required for Weblogic 10.0.x or for lower versions.

WLS 10.3 and higher do not need a license file However, they are still licensed products and customer are still bound by the agreement they have made with Oracle for their use. 

All features of these versions are available without this file, including an unlimited number of users and an unlimited number of CPUs. Nevertheless, the use of WebLogic 10.3 and higher still requires a license: please see your Oracle sales representative for details.

Even for WLS 10.0.x and lower versions, Oracle no longer requires your IP address(es) in order to provide a license key. 

Oracle is now providing new generic license files that simplify the licensing process. Your new license keys will enable you to fully use all of the features of your WLS purchase.

You can request Oracle to provide auditing script which you can run on your environment to get a report to make sure that you are not using any of the restricted features which would require an upgrade.

Oracle Weblogic Server - Version: 7.0 to 10.0

Please see  where licenses can be downloaded for Weblogic products versions 10.x and earlier that require a license key.

By downloading and using one of these license keys you are certifying that you either 
(i) Have a signed agreement for production use of BEA software entered into by you and BEA/Oracle
(ii) That you have licensed additional licenses for BEA software from Oracle.

While keys may remove technical restrictions, such as to the number of production CPUs, Users, etc. that may be executed on simultaneously, it does not authorize you to deploy BEA software for production use on the number of CPUs, Users, etc. greater than what you licensed for such use. All license terms and restrictions specified in your Agreement and ordering documents / order forms remain in full force and effect.

To apply new license file - 
  1. Download the appropriate file for your WebLogic version and your licensed configuration.
  2. Rename the downloaded file to license.bea and put it under the BEA_HOME directory.
  3. Restart and test whether the server starts up correctly.
If the server starts up successfully, the license has been applied correctly.

Note : - 

License files arre not required to update if you are upgrading service pack like WLS8.1SP2 to WLS8.1SP6, or WLS10.0 to WLS10.0MP1  etc, Only When upgrading from one major version to another (for example, WLS8.1 to WLS9.2 or WLS9.2 to WLS10.0), you will need an updated license file.

Weblogic Server Enterprise Edition and Premium Edition both are one and the same.License file for Weblogic Premium/Enterprise installation can be downloaded from below link

Other Posts Related With Installation

Weblogic installer types and how to download and from where
Weblogic installation in console mode


Weblogic WLST in Weblogic 8.1

Weblogic WLST in Weblogic 8.1

WLST inbuild with Weblogic 9.x onwards but if you are working with 8.x version of weblogic and want to use wlst then you have to download jython.jar & wlst.jar separately and add to weblogic classpath.

1. Download jython.jar & wlst.jar from the links provided below
2. Update classpath on your setWLSenv.cmd/.sh scriprt for both jar files
3. Run setWLSenv.cmd/.sh
4. Invoke wlst as "java weblogic.WLST" 

Download jython.jar

Download wlst.jar

Friday, 26 October 2012

Weblogic Enroll Domain Node Manager : Weblogic Machine Domain Enrollment With nmEnroll()

Weblogic Machine OR Domain enrollment with nmEnroll()

Weblogic Enroll Domain
Weblogic Enroll Node Manager

There are lots of WLST command though I feel it's very important and saw lot's of engineers struggling with this So, though to publish a separate post for this.


NmEnroll is used to enroll a machine or you can say to enroll a domain with the node manager because if you have multiple domains ( of different installer ) running on a host then you can handle all with a single node manager but you have have to enroll each domain with the same node manager. 

This is applicable if you have domains from different oracle_home or you can say from different installer on same host ( means you have more than one installation of weblogic on same host with each installer having its different host ).

If you are creating multiple domains from single installer then no need to enroll because it will enroll automatically. 

So to enroll a machine or domain with a particular node manager, follow below steps

1. Start Admin server of domain which you want to enroll with node manager

2. Go to wlst prompt ( go to your_domain, run setDomainEnv and then "java weblogic.WLST")

3. Connect with admin server

4. Run nmEnroll command

   Where "C:/Oracle/Middleware/wlserver_12.1/common/nodemanager" is the node manager    
   home of node manager with which you want to enroll your domain

5. Update under node manager home and add your domain path in     
    same format as earlier domains path there, like below i have added domain in red


6. Update node manager password ( username also if not correct there ) from admin console
    ( login to admin console > click on your domain name on left hand side > click on security tab  
     on right hand side > click on Advance link > update node manager password ( username 
     also if not correct there )

Now you can able to connect with node manager

wls:/base_domain/serverConfig> nmConnect("weblogic","weblogic123","localhost","40046","base_domain","C:/Oracle/Middleware2/user_projects/domains/base_domain","plain")
Connecting to Node Manager ...
Successfully Connected to Node Manager.

Note 1 - 

If you are getting below error during connect with node manager, then it means you haven't changed username,password for nodemanager from admin console ( above step 6 )

WLSTException: Error occured while performing nmConnect : Cannot connect to Node Manager. : Access to domain 'base_domain' for user 'weblogic' denied

Note 2 - 

If you are getting below error during connect of node manager then it mean you haven't followed above defined steps OR haven't added your domain on

WLSTException: Error occured while performing nmConnect : Cannot connect to Node Manager. : Configuration error while reading domain directory

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Recover Weblogic Admin, JDBC Connection Pool, Keystore Password : Decrypt Weblogic Admin, JDBC Connection Pool, Keystore Password

Recover Weblogic Admin, JDBC Connection Pool, Keystore Password : Decrypt Weblogic Admin, JDBC Connection Pool, Keystore Password

SerializedSystemIni.dat file is the most important security file of weblogic, this file contain the keys used to decrypt and encrypt the user and password. So in your environment make sure to secure your domain/security folder with proper permission. 

You can use this method to recover - 

  1. Decrypt your weblogic admin username and password using file.
  2. Recover your database user passwords in case you have JDBC Connection pools configured by taking encrypt password from respective module xml file.
  3. To recover the keystore passwords

It's very short method

1. Make a file with name under your_domain/security folder  with below   


from import *
from import *

#This will prompt you to make sure you have SerializedSystemIni.dat file under #current directory from where you are running command
raw_input("Please make sure you have SerializedSystemIni.dat inside the current directory, if yes press ENTER to continue.")

# Encryption service
encryptionService = SerializedSystemIni.getEncryptionService(".")
clearOrEncryptService = ClearOrEncryptedService(encryptionService)

# Take encrypt password from user
pwd = raw_input("Please enter encrypted password (Eg. {3DES}Bxt5E3...): ")

# Delete unnecessary escape characters
preppwd = pwd.replace("\\", "")

# Decrypt password
print "Your password is: " + clearOrEncryptService.decrypt(preppwd)


2. Get your encrypt password
3. Now go to  your_domain/bin directory
4. Run setDomainEnv.(sh/cmd)
5. Change directory to your_domain/security ( where you placed script )
6. Run below command

     $ java weblogic.WLST

You will be prompt to make sure you have SerializedSystemIni.dat file inside current directory from where you are running command, Press enter

Now you will be prompt to enter your encrypt password, paste your encrypt password and press enter

bingo!!! You will get your decrypt password.


Tag : recover weblogic admin console password, recover weblogic admin password, recover weblogic console password, recover weblogic 11g password, weblogic recover admin password, weblogic recover password, recover lost weblogic password, recover lost weblogic admin password, how to recover weblogic admin console password, how to recover weblogic admin password, how to recover weblogic password, how to recover weblogic password, decrypt weblogic password, decrypt weblogic jdbc password, decrypt weblogic admin password, decrypt weblogic, decrypt weblogic

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

How to change / reset weblogic admin user password

How to change / reset weblogic admin user password

Some engineers think it's just a single step to change the weblogic admin user password from console under realm option, but it's not really a single step because if you do change the admin user password from console only then you would able to logout with existing session and login with new password but you would not able start your server once you will brought it down untill and unless you will do some more workaround which is the part of weblogic admin user password change procedure.

if you will only change the admin user password from console and after that try to start your admin server you will get below error 


<Critical> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000386> <Server subsystem failed. Reason: Aut
hentication denied: Boot identity not valid; The user name and/or password from the boot identity file ( is not valid. The boot identity may hav
e been changed since the boot identity file was created. Please edit and update the boot identity file with the proper values of username and password. The firs
t time the updated boot identity file is used to start the server, these new values are encrypted. Authentication denied: Boot identity not valid; The user name and/or password from the boot identity file (bo is not valid. The boot identity may have been changed since the boot identity file was created. Please edit and update the boot identity file wit
h the proper values of username and password. The first time the updated boot identity file is used to start the server, these new values are encrypted. at
        Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
Caused By: [Security:090304]Authentication Failed: User weblogic
 [Security:090302]Authentication Failed: User weblogic denied

To avoid this you have to update the admin server file also

So, here is the procedure to change the weblogic admin user password

Part A.

Login to admin  console
Under Domain Structure, select “Security Realms” option
Click on “myrealm”
Click on tab “Users and Groups"
Click on your admin user
Click on the Passwords tab

Update the password

    Part B.

    Logout and login again with new password to make sure you are able to login with new password. ( if you are not able login with new password then it means you have updated something else and trying with something else :)  )

    Ok, now 

    1. Stop your admin server

    2. Go to your_domain/servers/you_admin_server/security directory

    3. Take backup of existing file

    4. Create new file with below contents


    5. Now start your admin server


    Tag :  reset weblogic server admin password, update weblogic admin user password, change weblogic password,, authentication exception, Authentication denied: Boot identity not valid, password reset weblogic server

    Wait, its not over, If you have managed servers in your domain then you have to do some more workaround for them to boot up properly during next restart

    Important : 

    If you always start your managed servers from console and never started using command line ( using startManagedserver command ) by you or by anyone since provisioning ( means setup of  environment ) then you will not see any file under your managed server(s) staging security directory ( your_domain/servers/your_managed_server/security ) and if will try to start managed servers using script then you will be prompt for username and password always untill and unless you will create manually under your_domain/servers/your_managed_server/security directory.

    If you have changed admin user password ( using the way I have mentioned above ) then you would able to stop start login admin console successfully but you will not able to start managed servers once you will stop them ( you will get same above highlighted exception in logs ) untill and unless you will do below work around 

    Workaround - 1

    1. Go to "your_domain/servers/your_managed_server/data" for each managed server you have    
         and rename ldap folder to ldap.old and nodemanager folder to nodemanager.old

    2. Start managed server(s) from console

    Workaround - 2 

    if you still getting same authentication exception then including workaround-1 first step, follow below steps also 

    1. Change the nodemanager password from admin console also

    Login to admin console
    Click on your domain name ( on left hand tree under Domain Structure ) 
    Click on security tab
    Click on advance option link
    Change "NodeManager Password:"

    2. Go to your WL_HOME/common/nodemanager folder and rename file as 

    3. Restart node manager

    4. Start your managed servers



    Saturday, 20 October 2012

    Weblogic application status

    There are lots of new weblogic application status introduced Weblogic 9.x onwards.

    Weblogic application states are purely dependent on the different circumstances like - 

    State of server, If your server is running or not on which you are deploying application ?
    What is the size of your application you are going to deploy ? 
    May be there some technical configuration issues with your application you are going to deploy
    Purpose of your deployment like you want to up it only for administration for some testing

    Very first thing is, if your domain is in Development mode or Production mode. If it's on development mode then you not need to worry about lots of status since during deployment in development mode your application directly come in Active mode ( if there is no configuration issues with the file you are going to deploy ) however in production not.

    Weblogic change center enabled only in production mode.

    You have some options to control the application with respective to Start or Stop.

    Stop weblogic application options

    You can - 

    Request an application to stop when work completes
    Force stop application
    Request to stop client connections however to take requests of administrator

    OR  you define
    • When work completes: Specifies that WebLogic Server wait for the application to finish its work and for all currently connected users to disconnect.
    • Force stop now: Specifies that WebLogic Server stop the application immediately, regardless of the work that is being performed and the users that are connected.
    • Stop, but continue servicing administrative requests: Specifies that WebLogic Server stop the application once all its work has finished, but to then put the application in Administration Mode so it can be accessed for administrative purposes.

    Start weblogic application options

    You can ask an application - 

    To start servicing all requests
    To start servicing only administrator request 

    OR you can say 

    • Servicing all requests: Specifies that WebLogic Server make the application immediately available to all clients.
    • Servicing only administrative requests: Specifies that WebLogic Server make the application available in Administration Mode only.

    In production mode - 

    If the server on which you are going to deploy the application or checking status of deployed application is not running then -

    1. You will see the status as "New" for the application already deployed there.
    2. If you will deploy a new application then - 

          It will come to "distribute Initializing" status
          Once you will click on Activate Changes, it will changed to "New" status
          Once server started, it will come to "Prepared" state
          After that you can choose the option to make it "active" ( select application > Start > Servicing all requests)

    If the server on which you are going to deploy the application or checking status of deployed application is running then -

    Once you will deploy an application, it will come to "deploy initializing" state
    Once you will activate the changes, it will come to "Prepared" state
    Once you will start it with option "start servicing request", it will come to "Active" state

    Weblogic server application status "stop running" & "start Running"

    Apart from above sometimes you will see start Running and stop Running status during starting or stopping an application, it's generally appear in case you have a big application which took time to initialize the requested operation. 

    start Running generally you will see once you will start a big application ( aroung 1 gb or more in size ), later it will come in active state ( if there is no issues with the application )

    stop Running generally you will see once you will try to stop/shutdown the application ( either gracefully or forcefully ) depend on the size of your application, current connections etc it takes time to stop and later will come to prepared state.  

    Monday, 15 October 2012

    Node Manager : Configurations and Important considerations

    Node Manager : Configurations and Important considerations

     Important Note :

    I have noticed most of the time a very common mistake done by most of the engineers is, If you are changing node manager port from Weblogic console that doesn’t mean you are changing the port of node manager. Node manager run on a separate port defined in node manager home file and if you are changing port from admin console then it means you are telling to Weblogic that ok my node manager is listening on this port.

    How to change node manager port ?

    First time when you start the node manager it configured and start on port 5556. Later you can change the port in file under node manage home directory.
    If you have installed Weblogic under /oracle/middleware and wlserver_103. Is your WL_HOME product directory under this then your node manager home is
    Node Manager Home = /oracle/middleware/wlserver_10.3/common/nodemanager

    Important note about file –

    1) file

    You will not able to see this file under nodemanager home until you will start node manager at least one time after fresh installation, or you can say created after first start of your node manager.
    After first start of  node manager, go to node manager home and update the nodemanager.proerties for  ListenPort parameter.
    After change node manager port in file, make sure to change the port from admin console also ( “admin console > machine > select your node manager > configuration > node manager” ), otherwise you will see node manager status as inactive from console like below 

    2) status from console or in log node manager file

    During first fresh installation of Weblogic, node manager is configured for secure ssl mode and when you will start the node manager first time it will start listening on secure connection, and also the node manager type is set as ssl.

     if you will see from admin console

    In file you will see   -

    SecureListener= true

    And from admin console you will see node manager status as below  with SSLHandshakeException  error even after starting node manager

    So, after fresh Weblogic installation and after starting node manager first time, make sure to change port in file as well as from admin console ( if you really want your nodemanager to run on other port apart from default 5556 ), change SecureListener = false in file and change Type as “Plain” from tha admin cosole ( like screenshot below ) , restart node manager and check status from console and now you will find it in reachable state.

    How to Start and Stop Node Manager

    To Start Node Manager

    Go to your nodemanager bin directory

     $ cd $NM_BIN\server\bin where NM_BIN =$WL_HOME\server\bin

    Where WL_HOME =  /Oracle/Middleware/wlserver_10.3

    Where /Oracle/Middleware/  is your Weblogic installation directory

    Note :   Make sure to replace this installation directory as well as main product directory ( wlserver_10.3   here ) according  to your environment and Weblogic version

    ./  ( on unix/linux)

    startNodeManager.cmd ( on window )

    To Stop Node Manager

    There is no specific command to  stop node manager, you have to kill the process manually to stop the node manager.

    On window

    You can go to “services” option from  “control panel > administrative tools” and stop the node manager process by right click on it or identify the process id from task manager by enabling PID option under view tab and use window process kill utility to kill the process.

    On Linux/Unix

    Identify the process of node manager and kill that.

    $ ps -ef|grep -i nodemanager.javahome|grep -v grep

    You will get the outout like below

    mcnegi  9796  9773  0 Aug25 ?        00:40:53 /weblogic/appsvr/product/wls_103/jrockit_160_05/jre/bin/java -jrockit -Xms32m -Xmx200m -Xverify:none -Xverify:none -Dweblogic.nodemanager.javaHome=/weblogic/appsvr/product/wls_103/jrockit_160_05/jre weblogic.NodeManager -v

    $ kill -9 9796


    you can use below single command to kill node manager

    kill -9 `ps -ef | grep -i nodemanager.javahome | grep -v grep | awk {'print $2'} | head -1`

    Tag : Command to kill node manager, kill node manager, stop node manager, stop Weblogic node manager
    Note:   This command will not work if you have more than one node manager running on same machine, you have to modify command further to some more strings to grep like path location.

     Node Manager  Status

    You can check status of node manager either from admin console or you can grep the process for the same
    1)      To check status from console, login to admin console > machine > select your machine > monitoring tab, make sure status should be “Reachable”

    2)      Grep the process like below
    ps -ef|grep -i nodemanager.javahome|grep -v grep

    Tags : node manager, Weblogic node manager, sslhandshake exception, node manager inactive state, node manager error, start stop node manager, kill node manager, grep node manager process

    Saturday, 13 October 2012

    Oracle Weblogic Server Certification

    Oracle Weblogic Server 11g: System Administration I

    Keywords : Oracle Weblogic Server Certification, Oracle Weblogic Server 11g Certification

    Exam Number:            1Z0-102
    Exam Price:                 Rs 8014 ( INR )
    Duration:                     90 minutes
    Number of Questions:     65
    Passing Score:              67%

    The exam can be taken at Pearson VUE testing centers worldwide ( )

    For registration & to know registration process visit :

    To view & find certifications list visit :

    Tags : weblogic, certification, weblogic administrator, weblogic 11g certification, weblogic server certification, weblogic certification exam code
    Category : certifications, weblogic server

    Thursday, 11 October 2012

    Weblogic Administration Interview Questions and answers

    Weblogic Server Interview Questions
    Weblogic Interview questions ans answers

    Here are the list of general weblogic interview questions helpful for freshers as well as for experienced guys.

    Basic Questions :

    Stay tuned for the answers of all questions and for many more questions :)

    What is admin server ? what is the difference between admin and managed server ?

    Admin server is the central domain configuration interface which is used to create,delete and configure the resources of a domain like managed server, machine, cluster, data source, work managers etc. 

    There is no difference between Admin and Managed server except admin interface application by default deployed on admin server which is used to configure the domain resources. Apart from that a admin server is same as a managed server, you can deploy and create other relative resources on admin server also as you do on managed server.

    How to access admin console ?

    ssl enabled admin console accessed as : 


    Example - https://localhost:7001/console

    non ssl admin console accessed as : 


    Example - http://localhost:7001/console

    Note : - By default weblogic admin server configured on port 7001 and SSL is not enabled.

    How to check pid of a weblogic server ?

    To check the process of a particular managed or admin server you can use

    ps -ef | grep -i <name_of_your_admin_or_manager_server>|grep -v grep

    ( grep -v grep will suppress your command in the output ) 

    Example - 

    ps -ef|grep -i wci_m1|grep -v grep

    Above command will show you the process details of managed server with name wci_m1 from where you can get process id, see output below, here process id is 32121

    some people use 

    ps -ef|grep -i  "weblogic.Name=wci_m1"|grep -v grep

    both are same, you can use anyone

    To check process id of weblogic server on window

    On Window, you can go to task manager, under view tab select column option, select PID option.

    How many admin consoles possible in a single domain ?

    only one.

    What is the default port of admin server ?


    What is config.xml ?

    config.xml is the central configuration repository for a domain. every resource you have configured from admin console or by command line or by any other tool registered under this file. 

    WLS 9.x onwards, this file contain references to other xml configuration files also those are under your domain/config folder ( further sub folder under it for respective resources ) since wls 9.x onwards concept of modules are introduced for sub resources like data source, jms etc otherwise prior to 9.x ( 8.x or older ) every configuration was stored under this single config.xml file.   

    What is file ? is the file used by admin or managed server during startup for username and password. it exist under your domain/servers/server_name/security folder. 

    ( Below information is for some advance users )

    To specify a customer directory for this file you can use


     When you create a domain in development mode then it creates automatically during startup of admin server but if you create a domain in production mode then you need to define it explicitly otherwise on every reboot of admin server it will prompt you for username and password.

    So in production mode - 

    Start admin server by manually passing the username and password
    stop it ( press cntrl+c on the started session )

    go to your domain/servers/your_admin_server/ 

    create a folder "security"

    go inside security and create a file "" with below contents


    now start the admin server, it will not prompt you for username & password further.

    If you are going to start your managed servers from admin console then no need to create this file for managed server but if you are going to start managed servers via startManagedweblogic script then you need to follow the same above procedure for each managed server.

    How to start admin and managed server ?

    check my blog page

    What is node manager ? what are the benefits of node manager ?

    How to set classpath ?
    What is weblogic.jar file ?
    What is cluster ? what are the benefits of a cluster ?
    What are the different cluster algorithm and difference between them ?
    What is cluster address ?
    What is Multicast ?
    What is unicast ?
    Whart is the difference between multicast and unicast ?
    What is the difference between vertical and horizontol clustering ?
    What is JMS ?
    What is a JMS server ?
    What is SSL or what is the purpose of SSL ?
    How to deploy an application ?
    What are different staging modes and differences between them ?
    What are the different forms of weblogic deployment files ?
    What are the difference between jar, war and ear files ? 
    What is the difference between web.xml and weblogic.xml ?
    What is virtual host ?
    What is a machine ?
    What is JNDI ?
    What is t3 or functioning of t3 ?
    What is MSI mode ?
    What is connection pool ?
    What is data source ?
    What is the difference between Data Source and Multi Data Source ?
    What is heap and how to define max and min heap size ? 
    what is the difference between heapdump, memorydump and thread dump ?
    What is the impact on Managed server if admin server goes down ?
    Is that possible to start Managed server if admin server is not running ?
    How to change the weblogic password ?
    What are deployment descriptors ?
    What is autodeployment ?
    What is exploded form of deployment ?
    What is the difference between production and development mode ?
    What are the differences between weblogic 10g and 11g versions ?
    How to configure apache with weblogic ?
    What are startup and shutdown classes ?
    What is session replication and how to enable it ?
    What is MBEAN ?
    What is the difference between .out and .log file ? 

    Keywords : weblogic server interview questions, weblogic interview questions, weblogic interview questions blog, weblogic interview questions, weblogic Administration interview questions, Weblogic interview questions and answer, Weblogic Interview Questions & Answers